Le Périgord in Spring

Spring has sprung and the Perigord is better for it.

Hopefully we've had the last frost of any significance and no strong winds are forecast as the Peach blossom is about to open back at Le Banquet. Inclement weather cuts short pretty scenes such as the blossom in front of the church here at Castelnaud la Chapelle.

MeteoFrance promise us more in the way of sunshine from the middle of next week though the temperatures won't be breaking any records.

But April sunshine is warm sunshine and nature is waiting to burst forward.


  1. Absolutely fabulous spring blossoms Rob. I hope that Jack Frost is well and truly off the scene.

    1. Thanks Anna. There's no chance of frost whilst we're under this cloudy, drizzly weather regime. I hope it changes soon. There may be a light ground frost or two in April but hopefully nothing too severe.

  2. Ah, so very different from New Jersey.

    1. Limestone country over here James. It's got a great colour to it.


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