Cold Starts, Warm Afternoons..

April always brings the biggest daily range in temperatures. From frosts first thing, the temperature dipping below zero in that hour before dawn to afternoons where sometimes the thermometer nudges the high 20's and it's shorts and tee shirt weather.

Warm sunshine encourages new growth which the frost immediately checks. There seems to be so much 'burnt' new foliage this year. Buddleja, Russian sage, many roses and so on, all suffering, all recovering -hopefully!

Hopefully we've had the last frost now and can look forward to BBQ weather at the end of the week after the current belt of much needed rain passes through.

These boys on the other side of the river seem to take the weather in their stride. This pic was taken a few days ago. They're all sitting down today as we wait for the rain.

Spring marches on.


  1. Hello Rob, Beautiful garden and beautiful photographs. Our weather is the same. Have to protect even cold hardy plants during the night and early morning hours. Spring has not come to our high desert mountain lands.

    1. Thanks Gina. I hope spring springs any day soon. It's reported that the wine yields are expected to be down in many areas of France this year as a result of the late frosts.

  2. It looks more beautiful with each passing year Rob. Hope that you get the much needed wet stuff. It's been an extremely dry start to the year here too especially in the south.

    1. Hi Anna. We've had a good drenching these last few days. The late frosts were destructive though. I've huge Fig bushes which have hardly any foliage after the new growth was 'burnt' off and Peach trees which almost certainly won't produce any fruit. That said, it's gloriously sunny this morning and everything is racing ahead following the rain!


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