Postcard from North Africa

A true rite of spring - watching the return of the Eurasian Crane on route to breeding grounds further afield after wintering in north Africa. The birds fly in a classic V formation, calling all the while,

honking their way ever further north, possibly all the way to Scandinavia.

A pleasant 18 C today, though temperatures tumble later in the week for a short, sharp shock, just to remind us that this is March.


  1. I live in Poland, in autumn I saw cranes flying away to warmer countries. I haven't seen them returning yet, but I think they will appear soon :)

    1. Hopefully it'll be soon and with it warmer weather,

  2. What an air show!

    Spring is coming!

    1. The first returned last week. To the day, same last year. I don't know if it's the weather or daylength that triggers the flight north.

  3. That must be a sight to behold! I often see the Canada geese flying overhead in a V formation here. They are beautiful.

    1. It is a sight to behold and is THE sign that spring has arrived, although someone forgot to tell the weather as it's turned cold here.

  4. I don't think anything will be migrating back to us any time soon Rob - we're currently sitting under 6 inches of snow, very cold temperatures and a bittingly cold, raw wind! Ho hum!

    1. Hi Liz, I've just been watching the weather on the news, some parts have drifts up to 4 metres deep!haws out soon for you

      I hope it thaws out soon for you, it's Easter next week.

  5. Beautiful. I've only ever seen them at the other end.

  6. Hi Rob. Most of our snow has gone now, but there are still some drifts in corners and out in Derbyshire there are still huge drifts and dangerous walking conditions on the hills, plus lots of farmers have lost sheep as they've been suffocated under the drifts. Not good.

    I'm longing for some warm, sunny days now, but they won't happen this week, sadly, as that north easterly wind is still blowing in from Siberia and we had another long snow shower this morning. Ho hum!

    Apparently the place to be if youre a crane :) Hornborgasjön (lake) in Sweden
    best wishes

  8. Happy Spring Rob! We have had hundreds of geese flying by but how wondrous to have these amazing cranes fly by all lit up by the sun. It is pretty fabulous to be able to witness the many rites of spring and to get back into our gardens.


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