Jardin en Fete - Neuvic

Venues rarely get better than this. The annual garden fete,  Jardin en fête, at the Chateau de Neuvic is always a great day out. Karen and I spent a few hours last Sunday wandering around the magnificent grounds trying to avoid making impulse purchases (never easy) and generally just appreciating the the whole event.

I think this is a Banks' rose, and where better to grow one than up the side of your chateau - right?

Below is the view out of the cavernous, vaulted dining room where we had lunch. I didn't get a good internal shot so this one will have to do.

We were on a mission however.

Like the Vulture above?  We love the sculptures created by Bill Carter. All are made from either old farm or garden implements and they look superb.

So we bought a Rooster. How cool is he?  Head from secateurs, keys for a chin, axe head for a chest, scythe blades for a feathery tail. We love him standing guard down by the river here at Le Banquet.


  1. Thanks for the tour. Of all the sculptures I like the rooster the best.

    1. Thanks - they're good aren't they. The rooster sits down by the river, perfect really as it's the French mascot, Le Coq

  2. That rooster is fabulous!

    I chuckled over the Lady Banks rose. We had to rip ours off of our cottage as it threatened to engulf the place. Wouldn't be bad if our house were made of stone, but it wanted to grow beneath our wooden shake siding and dislodge the shakes. It was sad, but necessary. For that reason, I have vowed to no longer plant evergreen vines, only deciduous that die to the ground every autumn.

    1. Thanks Freda, the rooster is perfect down by the river.

      Seems this rose is a bit of a beast. Shame yours had to go, but if it's engulfing your property, triffid style, then there's no choice.

  3. I've been so jealous of these sculptures. Wish I could find some around here.

  4. Agreed, a Lady Banks rose is just the thing to climb up the side of one's chateau. A chateau is about the only thing that can make a Lady Banks rose look small(ish).

    1. It's all about scale. Still, a fine looking thing, space allowing!

  5. Love the eggs idea :)
    Thank you for taking your time and commenting on my blog :) I am used to be a silent reader and admirer of your blog and garden. In secret I dream about visiting it one day...

    1. Hi Ewa, I came across your post on eremurus himalaicus when searching through google - and then of course the beautiful balconies.

  6. Chateau de Neuvic reminds me of castles illustrated in fairy tales - I can picture Rapunzel letting down her long blond hair from the top turret window. Love all the sculptures apart from the vulture but you have come home with the best of the bunch Rob.

    1. Hi Anna, Difficult one the vuture. I actually love it, imagine it perched on a dead stump, it works, though I can understand some may find it all a bit grim.

  7. Love the rooster and Bill Carter's sense of humor!

  8. Exactly, a definite sense of humour, check the dog's eyes out - nuts.

  9. I remember Lady Banks Rose from Mississippi. I see it adorning a southern mansion. The chateau causes cognative dissonance.

  10. Heck James I didn't mean for the chateau to make you uncomfortable and upset the order of things - I need to see a Lady Banks climbing a southern mansion.

  11. I love the rooster, and the acorn fed pig! Jeannine


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